02 April 2010

I'd Be

If I were a month I’d be April
If I were a day I’d be Tuesday
If I were a time of day I’d be Sunrise
If I were a planet I’d be Pluto
If I were a sea animal I’d be an anemone
If I were a direction I’d be west
If I were a piece of furniture I’d be a chair
If I were a liquid I’d be spring water
If I were a gem stone I’d be an amethyst
If I were a tree I’d be a chestnut
If I were a tool I’d be a plane
If I were a flower I’d be a tulip
If I were an element of weather I’d be a thunder storm
If I were a musical instrument I’d be a flute
If I were a colour I'd be blue
If I were an emotion I’d be content
If I were a fruit I’d be a starfruit
If I were a sound I’d be a waterfall
If I were an element I'd be fire
If I were a car I’d be a convertible
If I were a food I’d be chocolate
If I were a place I’d be Thailand
If I were a material I'd be burlap
If I were a taste I’d be sour
If I were a scent I’d be fushia (flower not colour)
If I were a body part I’d be fingers
If I were a song I’d be a classical composition
If I were a bird I'd be an eagle
If I were a gift I'd be music
If I were a city I'd be New York (but God knows why)
If I were a door I'd have a window
If I were a pair of shoes I’d be stilettos
If I were a poem I would be a sonnet

And what would you be?

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Good one, I am just gonna BE today, last month was too hard with too much to do....
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