21 August 2010

On Reveiwing Books and Reading

Interestingly, I started reviewing books on my blog because someone suggested that it was a good way to get new readers. I have noticed, however, that not many people seem interested.

Strangely, I don't mind. I don't love writing book reviews, but in the past few weeks writing them has been fun. Not only do I get to recap and remember the book, but I get to share books I enjoyed. It's a fun challenge to see if I can convince someone to read a book because I suggested it.

It helps me look at the technique as a writer, and not just the writing as a reader. I get to re-examine plot and characters, and see what works and what doesn't, and if I like it. I read so fast, by the time I'm done I can hardly remember the name of the main character. Now I do remember, and it feels quite lovely.

Now I can go back and look at an old book review about a certain book. Now I can see my taste evolve. Now I can show people who I am, because I'm the sort of person who chain reads classics and chicklit in a single sitting.

We are what we read.

1 comment:

Anne Lorys said...

I usually enjoy reading book reviews, the trouble comes in finding time to actually read the book itself!

Have a wonderful weekend!