03 August 2010

Millcove Gallery Launch

This past Saturday, I was at the Millcove Gallery's launch of the Poets meet Painters publication. It was enjoyable, but short. They were unprepared for as many attendees as there were, and consequently had to move everything outside, and ran out of wine very early.
I read my poem.
The audience laughed at all the right places, and I didn't succumb to nervousness. One woman came up to me and said she was going to buy the children's publication as well as the adults' because she enjoyed my poem so greatly. I chalk that up as a success.
I did regret not having something with my name and blog address though. I had planned for it, but the day came up too fast.
All in all, the trip was like a mini holiday as we took in two stone circles and drove the Healy Pass on the way back. We stopped at some touristy places, I took lots of photos (829), we listened to RTE Lyric. The best station for long car journeys. We were taking the switchbacks (at speed) in Killarney National Park while Khachaturian's Sabre Dance was on. Listen to it and imagine being flung around in a car, whipping around bends, over hills, through tunnels.

1 comment:

Mimi and Tilly said...

It sounds like a completely brilliant evening... x