08 March 2010

Magpie Tales #4

The essence of the jungle
preserved in one small being.
The trees are gone, the desert come,
the people there are fleeing.
But to the man who holds it
it is but a small prize
a little jungle carving,
that trumpets to the sky.
He cannot see the blood and pain and fear
the cutting of the jungle,
the arid desert of tears.
The little elephant that trumpets
reaching for the sky,
used to be a lumbering beast
but then it went and died.
That's how he'll think about the lie.
He doesn't care that the little elephant
only wants the sky.


Brian Miller said...

what a stirring poem...it made me sad for the little elephant...and his jungle. great magpie!

spacedlaw said...

A sad tale, going well in the way of illustrating why ivory trade is now banned.

Vicki Lane said...

A lament for what was...

Lyn said...

So full of feeling for what is lost, what we trash...thank you..

Pete Goulding said...

I think the message is clear here.
Great last line!

Tess Kincaid said...

I like they way you've woven sky throughout. Nice rhyme pattern, too. Well done.

Unknown said...

aha a good prose on the prompt of the week. How fortunate there are two of you to collaborate on your writing & posting!

Aoife.Troxel said...

Thank you everyone. I suppose it is lucky there are two of us, but it's mostly a one-man (er, woman) show...

steviewren said...

Your poem evokes sympathy for the plight of all wild animals that are losing their habitat. Well done.

christine said...

I loved the rhyming, a sad tale, well written.


Maude Lynn said...

How sad!

C.M. Jackson said...

you gave the little guy a voice and what a story he told--great post!

joanna said...

a touching poem -- too bad it is true,,,

Now which one of you wielded the mighty pen and wrote this nice heartfelt poem?


rob kistner said...

Your work is bold your spirit is awesome, and you are courageous and free -- come visit me…
